Class Descriptions
Check out our list of class descriptions below.
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Bikram Yoga
Bikram Yoga is a series of 26 yoga postures and 2 breathing exercises designed specifically for beginners.
It is fantastic for losing weight quickly while building strength and flexibility.
Bikram Yoga is the go-to for people with back, shoulder, knee, and neck problems, along with other health issues. This yoga is for everybody.
Yoga & Mixtapes
Experience the power of hot yoga combined with the art of Turntablism!
One FUN hour of Bikram yoga with a custom soundtrack. All the fun of a party with no hangover!
Created by renown yoga teacher / DJ Ry Toast. Please be advised some track lyrics may contain explicit content. Must be 21 or must have valid fake I.D. Check the schedule for new mixtapes every week.
Hot Yoga With a Twist
Hot Yoga with a twist, taught by Jeff Renfro. Jeff has been practicing Iyengar Yoga for over 25 years, served on the Board of Directors of the Iyengar Institute of San Francisco and has traveled to India to study with the Iyengar Family.
Each class is different dynamic and a lot of fun. Props and chairs are involved if you want to accelerate your yoga practice this is the class for you.
Inferno Hot Pilates
Inferno Hot Pilates (IHP) is a training system that combines Pilates principles with High-Intensity Interval Training that is low impact. Creating long, lean muscle mass, burning fat, and increasing fitness.
Inferno creates a stronger core, improves circulation, and increases flexibility. Good for all fitness levels.
Not sure which class is right for you?
Try as many classes as you want for just $99 for two months at our San Francisco studio!