Welcome to Funky Door Yoga!
Getting Started
How should I prepare for my first yoga or pilates session?
Dress as if you were going to the beach! Avoid baggy T-shirts and pants. Light, fitted exercise clothing work fine. We like to be barefoot!
Avoid eating at least 2-3 hours before class. Our classes are always best practiced on an empty stomach. Some people however need to have a little something in their belly (such as a piece of fruit or an energy bar).
You’ll soon work out what works for you and what your body needs.
Be well-hydrated! Drink lots of water before coming to class. We should be drinking 2 litres a day anyway but, on the days you workout, you should drink 3-4 litres!
Come with an open mind. Be ready to laugh a little, maybe cry a bit, and to sweat a lot!
How much water should I drink before yoga or pilates?
LOTS! You are going to sweat. Shower quickly, there’s a drought.
How often should I practice yoga?
As often as you can.
For great results, practice three times per week. For life changing results, practice six days per week. And always know, one class is better than nothing.
Can I lose weight from doing yoga?
Yes, you WILL lose weight.
Your body will very quickly change itself. Not only will you lose weight, your weight will be better distributed throughout your body.
Your body will transform itself miraculously. You will naturally gravitate to healthy foods. Your body will be become more efficient in burning calories and increasing your metabolism.
The more you come, the better you will feel.
When can I start?
Now. Right away. Immediately. What are you waiting for?